Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace
Visual Basic Run-Time Library Members
Provides a complete reference for the Visual Basic run-time elements.
The Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace contains the classes, modules, constants, and enumerations that constitute the Visual Basic run-time library. These library members provide procedures, properties, and constant values you can use in your code. Each module and class represents a particular category of functionality.

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection Class

Add Clear Contains Count
GetEnumerator Item Remove

Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute Class

ClassID EventID InterfaceID InterfaceShadows

Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars Class

Back Cr CrLf FormFeed
Lf NewLine NullChar Quote
Tab VerticalTab

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion Module

ErrorToString Fix Hex Int
Oct Str Val

Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime Module

DateAdd DateDiff DatePart DateSerial
DateString DateValue Day Hour
Minute Month MonthName Now
Second TimeOfDay Timer TimeSerial
TimeString TimeValue Today WeekDay
WeekDayName Year

Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject Class

Clear Description Erl GetException
HelpContext HelpFile LastDLLError Number
Raise Source

Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem Module

ChDir ChDrive CurDir Dir
EOF FileAttr FileClose FileCopy
FileDateTime FileGet FileGetObject FileLen
FileOpen FilePut FilePutObject FileWidth
FreeFile GetAttr Input InputString
Kill LineInput Loc Lock
LOF MkDir Print PrintLine
Rename Reset RmDir Seek
SetAttr SPC TAB Unlock
Write WriteLine

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Financial Module

PPmt PV Rate SLN

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Globals Module

ScriptEngine ScriptEngineBuildVersion ScriptEngineMajorVersion ScriptEngineMinorVersion

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information Module

Err IsArray IsDate IsDBNull
IsError IsNothing IsNumeric IsReference
LBound QBColor RGB SystemTypeName
TypeName UBound VarType VbTypeName

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction Module

AppActivate Beep CallByName Choose
Command CreateObject DeleteSetting Environ
GetAllSettings GetObject GetSetting IIf
InputBox MsgBox Partition SaveSetting
Shell Switch

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings Module

Asc AscW Chr ChrW
Filter Format FormatCurrency FormatDateTime
FormatNumber FormatPercent GetChar InStr
InStrRev Join LCase Left
Len LSet LTrim Mid
Replace Right RSet RTrim
Space Split StrComp StrConv
StrDup StrReverse Trim UCase

Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBFixedArrayAttribute Class

Bounds Length

Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBFixedStringAttribute Class


Microsoft.VisualBasic.VbMath Module

Randomize Rnd

Microsoft.VisualBasic Constants and Enumerations

The Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace provides constants and enumerations as part of the Visual Basic run-time library. You can use these constant values in your code. Each enumeration represents a particular category of functionality. For more information, see Constants and Enumerations (Visual Basic).

Load Time = 15 milliseconds